General Expectations:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will abide by all house rules and local laws.
2. I will conduct myself with honesty and integrity at all times.
3. I will develop and implement a recovery program and work together with my House Manager, Peer Support Specialist, and other residents in my recovery journey.
4. I will listen to and heed recommendations for support from outside agencies to achieve my goals in recovery. Those agencies include but are not limited to, drug court, medical care, schooling, employment, and support.
Financial Obligations:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
_____ I understand that all fees are due on or before the 1st of the month.
_____ I understand that I will be asked to leave if I fail to pay fees when due.
_____ I understand that anyone associated with the house or foundation is prohibited from handling my finances. For help with handling my finances, I understand that there are financial education training and other organizations to help me.
Fees are payable by the following methods:
Room Charge: $ _________ Parking Spot: $ ________ Supplies: $ _________
Curfew and Overnights:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. Sunday to Thursday, curfew is 10 pm. Friday and Saturday, curfew is midnight.
NO EXCEPTIONS unless approved by the House Manager PRIOR to event.
2. I will provide a work schedule to the House Manager. I understand that curfew will be enforced unless I provide a check out slip from work.
3. I will seek approval from my House Manager if I plan to be away for more than 48 hours. NO CALL, NO SHOW at the house may result in my exit from the house.
Drugs and Alcohol:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will not use or possess alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or medications no prescribed to me.
2. I will not supply or give drugs or alcohol to another resident. I will not deal drugs on or off the property. I will be exited immediately if I am caught using or supplying drugs or alcohol of any kind.
3. If I have a recurrence of use of drugs or alcohol, I will self-report immediately to my House Manager and my Drug Court Team. No disclosing my relapse quickly or completely will place my housing at risk.
4. I will have a baseline urinalysis drug test (UA) when I arrive. Random housing UA’s will be required. The House Manager or any resident may request a US of me at any time. Failure to take a US when asked may lead to my housing exit. Whole house UA’s are common.
5. If I use someone else’s urine sample or synthetic urine for my UA, I will be exited immediately.
6. If I am under the influence of drugs or alcohol or other substances in my UA, I will immediately be removed from the house.
7. The results of my housing UA’s will be made available to Drug Court staff.
Smoking:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
I will not smoke in my room or anywhere in the house. I will smoke outside and clean up all smoking materials.
Medication:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I understand that only prescription drugs prescribed by my healthcare provider and approved by my Drug Court team are allowed. No cough syrup, unless prescribed.
2. All prescribed medication will be kept in a locked box and a copy of the prescription will be kept in my file by the House Manager.
3. I will follow all Drug Court policies regarding prescription medication. If I receive a new prescription, I will report it to my Drug Court Case Manager and my treatment provider.
4. Possession of medication not prescribed to me is cause for immediate exit.
Privacy:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I understand that without a Release of Information form, you will neither confirm nor deny that I live here.
2. As some residents are on Community Placement, the Department of Corrections with have full access to the premises. I will be polite to questions from DOC, whether I am on community placement or not. Telephone, in person or written DOC requests will be answered by any resident with honesty and integrity.
Rooms:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will cooperate with both scheduled and random room searches for all residents. My room may be searched for drugs or contraband at any time.
2. My room will be kept orderly and clean. My bed will be made daily when not occupied. Trash will be emptied daily.
3. Food will not be stored in my room.
4. My room is a shared room, unless I make other arrangements. If there is an open bed in my room, I am responsible for maintaining the bed. I will not use the spare bed, dresser or closet.
Animals:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
I understand that pets are not allowed due to the communal nature and shared spaces.
House Care:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will immediately clean up my dishes and any area I use (Kitchen, Bathroom, Common Area). I will thoroughly clean the bathroom after I use it.
2. I will not put anything in the toilet except toilet paper. Putting other object into the toilet may cause damage and will lead to an immediate exit.
3. I will participate in house chores including weekly assigned chores and deep cleaning of the house. If I cannot do my chores, I will make arrangements with another resident to cover for me. The house will be deep cleaned by residents every week.
4. Energy conservation is everyone’s responsibility. Garbage must go out. It is up to everyone to make sure the cans are outside.
5. Staff will inspect the home each week and provide a report card.
6. If I intentionally damage the house, I will pay for the damage.
7. The computer and printer will remain in the common area.
Guests/Security:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. If I exit my residency or breach the safety of the house, door codes will be changed.
2. Allowing someone into the house on my code or giving my code to someone else is a breach of house safety and grounds for exit.
3. Guest are NOT allowed. NO overnight guests are allowed under any condition. NO persons under the age of 18 allowed anywhere on the property at any time, unless discussed with the managers and CPS has approved.
4. No individuals who do not reside in the house are allowed on the property. However, we will allow family members to tour your house on move in or at a pre-arranged time.
5. Physical violence or threats of any kind will not be tolerated. Violence or threats by myself or my approved guests will be cause for an immediate exit.
Personal Possessions:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will not possess guns, knives, or other weapons. Possession of these items will be cause for an exit.
2. Community Care is not responsible for my personal property.
3. I will identify personal property with value of more than $ 50 to the House Manager.
4. Lending and borrowing of personal property is at my own risk. I am responsible for my own security and the security of my possessions. Personal items stored in the common area is at my own risk.
5. Stealing is cause for exit. Bringing stolen goods into the house is stealing. Taking another’s medication or food is stealing.
6. I will ask about taking items in the fridge or food located elsewhere. We frequently have food donations for the entire house. I will check if something is personal food or community food.
7. Any property I leave behind after moving out or abandoning my space will be disposed of in 10 days if I do not make arrangements for it. With advance arrangements, storage may be available for up to 30 days. I will make arrangements to have someone collect my items if I cannot do so.
Vehicle Policy:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. My vehicle will be functioning and not in disrepair (no leaking oil or smoking).
2. I will provide proof of current license and insurance to my House Manager.
3. I understand that parking is first come, first served. There is no assigned parking.
4. If I damage someone’s car or someone damages my car, it is my responsibility. Staff will not get involved.
Other Residents:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will NOT ask other residents for money.
2. I will NOT ask other residents to sign paperwork for the courts or any other group.
3. If I have a conflict with anyone in the house, I will ask the House Leader or Peer Mentor for support in coming to a resolution
4. New Residents: House Manager will not knowingly move someone into the house that has harmed you or provides stress to you. I will let the House Manager know if I have concerns about my safety or ability to live in a shared space with any of the residents based on prior history.
Causes for Termination of Residency:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
Immediate termination of residency may result from ANY of the following behaviors:
_____ 1. Possession of guns, knives, other weapons.
_____ 2. Physical violence or threats of any kind (including those made by my guests)
_____ 3. Breaching the safety of the house, including giving my entry code to someone
else or letting them in on my code.
_____ 4. Use or possession of alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, medications not
prescribed to me.
_____ 5. Failure to repost use of drugs or alcohol to House Manager.
_____ 6. Dealing drugs on or off the property.
_____ 7. Abuse of over-the-counter or prescription medications.
_____ 8. Any theft or possession of stolen goods.
_____ 9. Non-residents on the property.
_____ 10. Violation of curfew.
_____ 11. Violation of house rules.
_____ 12. Having a messy room or food in your room twice.
_____ 13. Stuffing anything down the toilet except toilet paper.
_____ 14. Intentionally damaging the house.
_____ 15. Soliciting money from other residents.
Resident Terms and Conditions:(Required) I have read, I agree, I understand, and I will abide by the rules of this section.
1. I will comply with house rules and expectations. 2. I will follow through with Drug Court requirements and expectations.
3. Cooperation and kindness are key values. I will do my best to support the other residents in the house.
4. I will report use of alcohol or drugs by myself or another resident to the Peer Mentor or House Manager.
5. I have identified my personal property with value of more than $ 50 to the
House Manager. I alone am responsible for my personal property.
6. If I have a conflict with anyone, the House Leader and Peer Mentor will help
me come to a resolution. We will work together to resolve any conflict.
7. If I breach the safety of the house or exit my residency, door codes will be changed. Giving my entry code to someone else or allowing someone to use my code to enter the house is grounds for termination of residency.